+ for collective development.
[ away day ]
[ PLAN ]
+ team building
THE ADV_ can testify that the best way to bring individuals together is to give them a shared goal.
Understanding this, we organise strategic team-building experiences focused on creating mutual understanding and impactful actions through diversely informed forward-thinking individuals.
Our twelve scenarios are used to bring to the forefront the internal and external obstacles that are hindering team cohesion — or sometimes used to highlight missing components to agendas.
+ collective intelligence
+ deciphering complexity
Unconventionally, we embrace complex issues because we wield diversity as a tool within communities and establishments to provide effective strategies and perspectives.
Using our experience guides participants in how to use their intellect, behaviour and experience to master the immersive forum and their collective goal.
[ vision ]
+ developing mindsets
Our offsite events provide an excellent platform for staff and like-minded associates to accelerate the influence of a shared mindset toward a common goal.
We suggest engaging each group in various scenarios, where each scenario brings out a different aspect of a vision or plan. This approach helps illuminate areas of particular interest or contributions already made by each group.
+ details
Delivery : Online / On-site
Duration : 100mins
Capacity : 8 participants per group
Experiences : 24
Scenarios : 12
Stages : 13
Approaches : 2 (Adversary or Advocate)
Explore our collection of twelve scenarios, each rooted in the main pillars of society. Pre-select a scenario and approaches for your group, allowing them to test and refine their vision for the society you aim to build.