TITLE : The Immersive Experience
For the uninitiated, here is what to expect at your next immersive forum.
> Overall the experience lasts 2 hours.
> In a group of 8 participants, you will undertake a mission from your selected scenario.
> Collectively, you will discuss and develop the most effective way to achieve your goal.
> At the empathy axis, you are in control of the situation — with an Operator on standby for support.
Below is a breakdown of 10 key moments in the experience you should look out for :
+ Countdown
Your operator will introduce you to the experience and support you technically.
+ Approach
Pick a side based on the scenario, Adversary or Advocate.
+ Register
Introduce yourself in 20 seconds.
Your name, background & interest in the scenario.
Choose your level:
- Novice - 8 clues,
- Experienced - 5 clues
- Master - 2 clues.
+ Identity
Create a collective identity, that is less explored. Including; your archetype, vision and motivation
+ Strategy
Develop a detailed plan of how you will you make your vision come into reality.
Use them! They are designed to help focus your topic / situation of choice, as well as steer you away from stereotypical responses.
Anyone can click on clues without disrupting other participants.
You have 5 minutes to review your outcomes, add missing notes, include more details or adjust your approach and methods to be more innovative.
+ Controller
A participant will automatically be designated the controller.
This means only they can input data on behalf of the team, however they can pass the control at any time of the experience by clicking this icon.
+ Help
Use the hand icon to contact the operator at any time you are having an issue.
Click below for more information :
LINK : Welcome to the Forum
LINK : Introducing The Empathy Axis
For press, sponsorships or media enquiries email us at hello@the-adv.com