ADVISOR : Mo-Ling Chui
THE ADV_™ is proud to officially introduce Mo-Ling Chui as an advisory board member specifically focussing on academic and corporate engagement.
Mo-Ling Chui is the course leader for BA (Hons) Design Management and Cultures at, UAL: London College of Communication. She is a creative director, marketing communications strategist, project manager, curator, and educator with more than 20 years of international experience, including orienting brands to Chinese markets. Her research and creative practice apply ethnographic and human-centred approaches to develop cultural intelligence and social design projects.
Our interest in Mo-Ling joining our board is focussed on her diverse skills and expertise inf marrying business with design thinking to keep us on the cutting edge of practice and theory in understanding the outcomes produced through participants, clients and social experiments.
Within Mo-ling’s tenure with THE ADV™, we hope to continue to evolve our method of delivery for the benefit cultural and intellectual institutions as a testbed to push and blur the boundaries between education and commerce.
We are eager to bring into fruition the thrilling ideas we have already begun to develop.
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If you are interested in joining our team, please get in touch by emailing hello@the-adv.com